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Your Dentist in Prince Albert Says This Contributes to Oral Cancer

April 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 6:27 pm

red oral cancer word cloudIt is estimated that nearly 5,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with oral cancer and 1,250 will succumb to it this year alone. Thus, your dentist in Prince Albert is weighing in to share some key information on how to prevent this disease from arising. As you continue reading, you’ll learn how you can be empowered to achieve and maintain the best oral health.

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is a disease that involves the uncontrollable growth of mutated cells that disrupt the normal, healthy function of your mouth and throat. The following shows how it can spread:

  • Mouth – Inside the mouth, it can attach to the lips, inner cheek, the front two-thirds of the tongue and the roof.
  • Throat – If it enters the throat area, it can be found in the tonsils and the back third of the tongue (considered as part of the throat in this context).

If not treated, this disease can be fatal, so it helps to know what factors contribute to its development.

Factors That Contribute to Oral Cancer

The following factors contribute to oral cancer and should be addressed when discovered:

  • Tobacco Usage– To date, tobacco usage – which includes smoking and chewing tobacco – is the number contributor to oral cancer. It engulfs your mouth with toxins and chemicals that hinder the natural flow of oxygen throughout your oral cavity, creating an environment more susceptible to disease.
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – Researchers anticipate that in the next 10 years, HPV will overtake tobacco use as the main cause of oral cancer. Although it is a condition that is sexually transmitted, it can lead to abnormal tissue growth that can affect your oral health.
  • Poor Diet – A diet high in processed sugar and other unnatural ingredients can attract more bacteria to your mouth, teeth and gums. As a result, you’ll be more susceptible to a plethora of oral maladies, which includes oral cancer.
  • Gum Disease – One of the many problems that can arise as a result of a poor diet and bad oral hygiene is gum disease. The infection that ensues causes inflammation that makes the environment it’s in more toxic and open for greater issues. One of the adverse effects can be oral cancer.

Is There a Way to Fight Back?

You are not helpless to the attacks of oral cancer. One sure way to either prevent it or fight the disease is through semi-annual visits to your local dentist. While there, you’ll receive a thorough cleaning to remove any plaque and tartar that are lingering around that could contribute to oral cancer.

In addition, your dentist will perform an oral cancer screening. This will leave you with the peace-of-mind of knowing the status of your oral health. If traces of the disease are found, it will allow you and your dentist to launch a plan to address it early.

The only thing required of you now is to be proactive by contacting your local expert to schedule a preventive care appointment today.

About the Author

A native son of Prince Albert, Dr. Jerry Janzen earned his dental degree from the University of Saskatchwan in 1985. For the past three decades, he has provided his community with expert and compassionate care. To learn more about he helps guide his patients to healthier lives, you can visit Dr. Janzen’s website.

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