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Fix Your Daytime Fatigue with a Dentist in Prince Albert!

August 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjanzen @ 2:03 pm

man snoring loudlyIs fatigue negatively affecting your life? Believe it or not, you may be suffering from a sleeping disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea.

There are many patients that have experienced the same daunting symptoms of sleep apnea, but their dentist was able to help them enjoy sleep again. Your dentist in Prince Albert has the information you need to better understand your condition and how to improve your restless nights.

The 411 on Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common type of sleeping disorder that interrupts breathing while you’re resting. This happens because your throat muscles become too relaxed and sink to the back of your throat. Some of the most common symptoms is a gasping, choking, or snoring sound while you sleep.

Snoring happens when the throat muscles relax. Your tongue may fall to the back of your throat and your airways become narrower than they should be. Snoring occurs primarily when you inhale, but can also happen to a lesser degree when you exhale. The sleeper is partially aroused to resume breathing by the brain, which causes them to have poor sleep.

Are you a high-risk sleep apnea patient?

these factors increase your risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea:

  • Age– People age 40 and over are at higher risk.
  • Being overweight– An obstruction of breathing can be caused by fat deposits around the upper airway.
  • Being male– More likely to occur in males than females.
  • Family history –The risk of developing sleep apnea is greater for people who have family members with this condition.
  • Alcohol use– This type of beverage relaxes the throat muscles.
  • Smoking– Smoking can cause inflammation and fluid retention in the airway.
  • Neck circumference– The airway may become narrower with a thicker neck.
  • Narrowed airway– Enlarged adenoids or tonsils or a naturally narrow throat.
  • Nasal congestion –If you have difficulty breathing through your nose, your chances of developing OSA is greater.

Patients that are living with sleep apnea are susceptible to developing bigger health issues. Because you’re not receiving the sleep you need, you’ll most likely experience excessive daytime fatigue, depression, and trouble concentrating. This leads to a higher risk for motor vehicle accidents, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and even strokes!

Who should I seek help from?

Sleep apnea can be hard to diagnose alone—simply because, well…you’ll be sleeping. The best way to get down to the bottom of your interrupted sleeping or daytime fatigue is to speak with someone who understands the inner workings of the head, neck, and mouth.  That’s right, your dentist!

If you’re interested in receiving more details on sleep apnea or how your dentist can help you, google a “dentist near me” to find the most highly qualified dentists in your area.

About Our Office

Once you’ve been recommended a specific treatment from Dr. Janzen, our team would be happy to listen to your questions or concerns. We know how important it is to have complete confidence in a plan before agreeing to it, especially when it comes to improving your sleep habits. If you have any questions about sleep apnea now, feel free to call our office.


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