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Prince Albert Dentist Helps Patients Breathe Easier, Sleep Better

June 16, 2016

Filed under: Sleep Apnea,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — drjanzen @ 4:11 pm

Prince Albert dentistDo you find yourself gasping for air during the night while you try to sleep? Does you sleep partner tell you that your snoring is “so loud”? If so, then the problem may be more serious than you think. According to the American Dental Association, obstructive sleep apnea is a medical condition that stops breathing for intermittent periods of time during sleep. Prince Albert Dentist Dr. Janzen and Dr. Gogolinski treat sleep apnea with a comfortable oral appliance so you can get the sleep you need and protect your overall health as well.

The Health Consequences of Sleep Apnea

According to research conducted at the University of Southern California School of Dentistry, the periodic lack of oxygen in the body that sleep apnea causes can lead to serious cardiovascular and central nervous system problems. Hypoxia—low oxygen levels—is connected to cellular damage in the brain that may not be reversible. Sleep apnea may also impair learning and memory.

In regard to the cardiovascular system, this same lack of oxygen has the potential to alter the properties of blood vessels in such a way that plaque can more easily bind to vessel walls. This could lead to atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries. As a result, a 40-year-old patient with sleep apnea could have the arteries of a 60-year-old.

Other medical conditions that linked to sleep apnea include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Depression

In addition, sleep apnea commonly causes daytime drowsiness, which is linked to irritability and a lack of concentration. Moreover, there is research to show that the drowsiness that sleep apnea causes may be behind a number of automobile accidents.

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Prince Albert

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of this condition. While you sleep, the soft tissue in your throat and your tongue relax and may block your airway. As a result, there can be snoring as air passes through the narrowed passageway. To open your airway, we’ll prescribe a custom-fitted oral appliance that will gently shift your lower jaw forward. In this way, your throat and airway remain open so you can breathe more easily. This simple oral appliance can eliminate snoring, restore restful sleep and prevent the overall health conditions that are associated with sleep apnea.

Call Your Prince Albert Dentist Today

If you or your partner snores at night, contact your dentist in Prince Albert to schedule a sleep apnea or snoring consultation.

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